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Lifestyle Newborn Session

Cozy, safe, stress free, snuggly, baby led sessions in the comfort of your own home...

Newborn/infant photos that touch my heart are ones that bring me back to my early weeks of becoming a new mother. Both of my babies seemed to be in my arms every moment.

It's a bitter sweet time, because I knew it would be fleeting... but in that season, it's hard to remember that this time won't last forever.

I remember the exhaustion... the disappointment in myself for not being able to tend to the everyday tasks that I was used to shouldering. I also remember the guilt that I would sometimes entertain because I was just so very tired...

If there is one time in my life that I REALLY struggled with being in photos, it was this one.

My body seemed foreign. I frequently fought the urge to procrastinate a shower one more day. My house didn't appear the way I wanted it to.


But this baby... This innocent, beautiful little blessing that for whatever reason... I was thought worthy enough to be given... 

I see you, Momma... whether this is your first time, or if you have older siblings that can't understand why they aren't getting the affection they used to... I get it. 

Photos shouldn't feel stressful. Babies should lead the sessions. If they need to be held the entire time? That is OKAY! Snuggles are my favorite!  


I know you will take lots of your own snapshots of your baby doing all the adorable things that babies do. I want to meet you where you are at in this moment and photograph the love and connection you share. 

"You are beloved  

I wanted you to know

You are beloved

Let it soak into your soul

Oh, forget the lies you heard

Rise above the hurt

And listen to these words

You are beloved

I wanted you to know

You are beloved"

              -Jason Feliz 

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